Behavioral Evolution


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On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Scott Vigil wrote:

I took a look at some of this during a few breaks. This is absolutely fascinating. Game theory is investigated. Sexual dimorphism is investigated. 

Polygamy and all sorts of other behaviors are looked at… It’s hilarious! I think on the second in the series, he talks about the biology of religiosity. I’m sure you’ll love that one, ha ha

One thing that has become clear is that you have placed yourself on the vanguard of defending the faith. In my mind, the best strategy for doing this would be to really study this stuff and become expert at it.

The problem with most apologists is that they really don’t study these theories, and they end up looking quite foolish when they try to combat them. I went to, and it was pathetic. 

I used to be zealous and do apologetics: particularly against non-Christian cults. I wound up in front of a couple Mormon missionaries and I knew enough about their faith to clean their clocks. I can’t do it now. But, I would think the same concept applies. Fortunately, I didn’t become a Mormon in studying their religion. Actually, it was very easy because the more I learned the more ludicrous it all appeared.

From: Bryan Hunt
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 8:27 PM
To: Scott Vigil
Subject: Re: Behavioral Evolution

So what is it that you would like to do with your life?  I would think that either A, you think God exists in which case you need to start going that direction, or B, you just enjoy the study of random stuff like sexual dimorphism (not even sure I know what that is!) and don't really care if there is a God.  Or maybe there is a C?

Consider reading Luke from the Bible and/or watching "Passion of the Christ" with Toni and then attend a church this Sunday (Easter!).   There were, after all, lots of eye witness accounts of the resurrection of Jesus!  Ask God to open your eyes to the truth and to help you filter truth from fiction.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Scott Vigil wrote:


You got it. I want to be sexually dimorphic, ha ha!

 Actually, if I can contribute to enough confidence in science in this world so that we as a society don’t cook ourselves with greenhouse gases and we don’t get pulverized by the next passing asteroid, I will be happy. And I’m going to enjoy this life as much as I can. I think this is all we get. Part of that is doing things. Part of that is learning. I really want to know! 

You’re so funny. I watched Passion of Christ. I’m too sensitive to violence, and I can’t tell my body it’s just Hollywood. It reminded me of the sacrifice of Christ. But, it was gratuitous violence and it wasn’t anything that my imagination hadn’t already taught me. Toni never went to see it as a conscious decision. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take it. Oddly, if David was a fake and the Exodus didn’t really happen and if Adam was a King in his own garden (did you have the sound up on episode 3?), rather than the first man, Jesus becomes reduced to a great teacher… all the other evidence becomes trumped. 

You might be surprised that every night, I thank God for my food and for Toni in my life and for our kids. I don’t think anyone is there. But, stating that gratitude still seems enriching. 

Toni and I will probably go to church. I guess we should figure our plan. Thank-you for reminding me. 

Regarding your last statement, it’s sort of a mind control thing. The Mormon’s do a variation on that. They get a lot of converts—from true Christianity I might add—by tricking a person into feeling a bit of a warmth in their belly. They get this suggestion and boom, they’re all of a sudden part of the LDS. 

I’ve been searching for truth for a long time now. I keep taking in information and trying to find the most reliable sources. 

I hope we get to a lunch later this week. 


From: Bryan Hunt
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 11:57 AM
To: Scott Vigil
Subject: Re: Behavioral Evolution

Don't get yourself confused with all the details.  The bible is different from the other religions and yes the Mormon faith is stupid (moronic?) - based all on the delusions of one man.  People do fall into those traps as they search for God but that doesn't mean the bible is not real.  Easter is a good time to look at all of the eye witness accounts of the resurrection.  Secular history books all agree Jesus walked this earth and did things that people at that time felt were miracles.   And I know you dismissed prophecy but you never said how you were able to just dismiss that.  Prophecy foretold the birth and resurrection of Jesus (and hundreds of other events).  You saw Issiah's words in the dead sea scrolls.  Prophecy is also interesting from the point of view that the bible had many earthly writers from different time periods yet it holds together without flaw which leads many to believe it truly was God inspired.

In the end, God gave us all free will.

One last thought, perhaps one that will haunt you.  If you hate violence then you should do everything you can to avoid hell and instead set your focus on heaven and everlasting peace. 

[Highlighing added for emphasis.]

Scott 3/25/14: See… that’s what I dealt with during my whole 35 years in the church. Now, I’m going with Carl Sagan. He said,

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

And if that lands me in the eternal fires of hell, that will be fine. My daughter has rejected Christ. So, if I’m there, at least she won’t be alone when she arrives.

But for now, I’m going to demand empirical evidence for truth claims that are passed my way. And I will evaluate them all based on my best application of the scientific method.

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